Dirty Beautiful
Director/Screenwriter: Tim Bartell
Take a lonesome, struggling, somewhat successful storyboard artist, have him intertwined with a peculiar gal who hopped into his car at a stoplight, mix the two into a strained and dismally dysfunctional relationship and you have a movie. Mostly.

David (Ricky Mabe) is in search of elusive success as a filmmaker. He is also looking for love, pretty much in all the wrong places. Kat (Jordan Monaghan) is a drifter willing to jump into anyone’s car and into anyone’s life for a modest sense of stability. The homeless and hapless Kat convinces lonely-boy David to take her home in exchange for her playing house. The contest between the two begins and just never stops.

The fireworks of the feature surround the couple and their inability to form a practical, single, workable unit. The two cling and break and cling together like broken Velcro on bourbon. It’s a bit much to watch. Mabe and Monaghan well portrayed the dysfunctional couple that never clicked. However acceptable the cinematography flowed, the story simply takes more effort to follow than I’m willing to advance.

Director Bartell forged an interesting drama out of an obscurity, developed relationships where none should have existed, and highlighted a path for an audience to visit, if only for a single appointment. Maybe I’m getting lazy; this film was hard to engage and I no longer feel I should work at enjoying a film. Just sayin’



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